Methodology and Sources
Our guides are a rigorous, comprehensive, and trustworthy reference for homeowners and potential home buyers. This page provides you with information about our editorial process. We also include a selection of our most important sources.
Methodology and Sources
Our Content cost guides provide national average costs for several home remodeling projects and aim to present all the information necessary for our users to make the best decisions about their homes and properties. We have also created other comprehensive resources, such as comparison guides and a home remodeling glossary to answer every question that homeowners, potential home buyers, and home renters may have. Additionally, the blog is a space for homeowners, industry professionals, and even home buyers and sellers to keep up to date with the latest home construction industry news, trends, and helpful advice.
Since 2008, our mission has been to make the tedious process of home remodeling easier. We strive to provide the best information for consumers, and we pride ourselves on being:
Instructive provides cost guides, comparison guides, trends reports, articles, and custom illustrations to help users gain a deeper understanding of home-related projects.

Authoritative content is written by cost researchers and writers with provable experience in the home improvement industry, and constantly reviewed by industry experts.

Unbiased is a vendor-independent resource. We do not have ads on our site

Editorial Process

Fixr employs a team of specialized writers and cost researchers who are subjected to a rigorous selection process, where they prove not only their experience in the home remodeling industry but also their research and writing skills. Most have worked as contractors, designers, interior decorators, and architects for years, and they use a wide variety of professional resources, which are listed below.

These writers and researchers work closely with the editorial team at, who also have experience in the home remodeling industry. Our team edits, proofreads, and checks that all the prices and information at are consistent and provides all the necessary information to homeowners and potential home buyers.

Once the guides and articles are written, their credibility and comprehensiveness are strengthened by the reviews and feedback of our industry-leading experts, who ensure that our content is accurate, up-to-date, instructive, and backed by current research. Costs are reviewed yearly and usually remain up-to-date until the next year. If any radical change occurs in the price of one project or material before that period of one year, the editorial team will inform the reader of the changes in all the cost guides affected.

Our editorial team also works closely with the network of 90,000+ local contractors, who provide a unique source of information for our cost guides. When contacting contractors and local service providers to ask about prices, we choose cities where the cost of services are in line with the U.S. national average, such as:

Ithaca, NY; Sarasota, FL; Cincinnati, OH; Dayton, OH; Iowa City, IA; Montgomery, AL; Tyler, TX; Houston, TX; Rochester, NY; Atlanta, GA; Birmingham, AL; Austin, TX; Dallas, TX; Tulsa, OK; Durham, NC; Marietta, GA; and Raleigh, NC.

This means that we do not show local costs for sites that are significantly more expensive than the national average, such as New York City, NY or Boston, MA, or cheaper like Omaha, NE or Harlingen, TX.

Home Improvement Experts works hard in collaboration with top-leading experts in the home improvement industry who write, edit, review and contribute to our cost guides and trends reports.
Interior Designer
Home Stager
Interior Designer
Interior Designer Editorial Team

The information provided by our cost guides comes from a wide variety of sources, including our own cost data, specialized books and websites, published cost studies, U.S. associations, websites and reports from the U.S. government, literature reviews of DIY websites, contractors and subcontractors, material suppliers, material price services, and other vendor websites.

The content management team ensures that all the sources used at contain evidence-based information produced by individuals or organizations with credentials or relevant experience. Here is a full list of all the sources:

  • Books
  • National Construction Estimator, 69th ed., Ed. by Richard Pray (Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Company, 2021).
  • National Electrical Estimator, Ed. by Mark C. Tyler (Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Company, 2021).
  • National Home Improvement Estimator, Ed. by Ray F. Hicks (Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Company, 2021).
  • National Painting Cost Estimator, Ed. by Dennis D. Gleason (Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Company, 2021).
  • National Plumbing & HVAC Estimator, Ed. by James A. Thomson (Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Company, 2021).
  • National Renovation & Insurance Repair Estimator, Ed. by Jonathan Russell (Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Company, 2021).
  • National Repair & Remodeling Estimator, Ed. by Joshua Paxton (Carlsbad, CA: Craftsman Book Company, 2021).
  • Associations
  • Government Websites
  • Vendor Websites
  • Specialized Websites
Apart from the corresponding sources already cited like specialized books, U.S. associations, U.S. government websites, and our own data and cost guides,’s cost guides are also based on some specialized websites from professionals in the home improvement industry. If you are interested in knowing all the sources for a specific guide, you can find them after the FAQs section at the end of each cost guide.
Feedback and Questions

At the end of each cost guide, we include a question asking if the guide is helpful. If you need to know something that is not included in any of our guides, please click our no button and tell us what the guide lacks. We will update the guide as soon as we have the answer to your question.

Many contractors and users have already used this tool to let us know what they think, and together, we are improving our services. Thank you for your continued support.